We are located at:

29 Main Road

Drayton Parslow;Milton Keynes

MK17 0JR

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to arrange a visit, please contact us:

07895 070207 

Please note I am often busy with the dogs in our care so please do leave a message so I can call you back.




Or use our contact form.

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About us

Rachel Hopton

MAPDT 00982


Rachel set up her dog training business in 2007.  She is a qualified dog trainer and member of the APDT.  She also attained a distinction in the accredited COAPE Diploma of Canine Behaviour.


Rachel now runs the Dog Agility classes and Dog DayCare service from her home in Drayton Parslow where she lives with her family, dogs and two horses.


Rachel's dog Rex runs at Kennel club grade 5 level and they attend competitions throughout the summer.


She cares passionately about providing exceptional care for the dogs that attend daycare and really enjoys teaching clients and their dogs the rewarding sport of dog agility.


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© Rachel Hopton


